High Coast

美 [haɪ koʊst]英 [haɪ kəʊst]
  • 网络高海岸;瑞典高山海岸六日;高地山坡
High CoastHigh Coast
  1. Didier Drogba was part of a high scoring Ivory Coast victory but didn 't find the net .


  2. Move to high seas-keep off coast .


  3. Any reduction in supply is likely to push the price of the commodity towards a 33-year high because Ivory Coast accounts for about 40 per cent of global exports .


  4. Along with the rapid development of economic round the Bohai Sea region and high exploitation of coast , seawater eutrophication problem of Bohai Bay becomes increasingly serious , which has heavily restricted sustainable development of coastal economic .


  5. Nutrient salt load into sea increased owing to fast rise of population , rapid development of economic and high exploitation of coast . It aggravated eutrophication of coastal water which has heavily restricted sustainable development of coastal economic .


  6. An island of southern Italy on the southern edge of the bay of naples . a popular resort since Roman times , it is famous for its blue grotto , a picturesque cave indenting the island 's high , precipitous coast .


  7. The formation mechanism of squall line with a behind high pattern over the coast of eastern China


  8. The storm is about two hundred miles wide , and it could bring heavy rain , winds and high surf along the coast .


  9. In the world , the authors have first discovered Holocene high beachrocks along the coast of South China , then discovered the dating sequence model of beachrock and its significant scientific information .


  10. The texture maturity of sandstones is a useful index for identifying the paleogeographic environments . The barrier bar sandstones are of high texture maturity , coast and tidal flat sandstones are of moderate , and lagoon sandstones are of lower .


  11. The paper presents a wind-cooling execute mechanism and a monitor system of the large LED dot matrix screen body environment parameters for the environment of high temperature , high humanity and high causticity in the coast cities , and ensures the LED screen lifetime and its reliability in use .


  12. The 15-35-day oscillation of the 500 hPa North Pacific subtropical high might originate from around Hawaiian Islands , and then propagated westward along the vicinity of subtropical high ridgeline into the coast of southeastern China .
